Yeah the title says it all.Is being not being calculative a virtue or a negative attritude?I really do not know.Some people take advantage of you fully when they know you are not calculative.They expliot you to the fullest knowing this is your weakness.I have a soft heart and I really hate to see people in misery so I help them out of kindness.I do not expect anything in return.However in the end,it all turn bad.I guess I am a person who care about other’s well being other than my own.Many a times,I would rather trouble myself than to trouble others just to get things done and what did I get in return Nothing…I was real sick and running a temperature and in my bed,at this kind of time,I expect my loved one to be by my side nursing me back to health.No I didn’t get that,she was out having all the fun she could with ”Chicken” and the gang.That didn’t matter to me,I knew that will happen becos I am together with a party girl,I chose to go this way and I am prepared for all this that will happen.Many a times we have fights and arguements that are real dumb and stupid,when I tell the truth I get it,then might as well I lie.I really hate lying especially to a partner,if that is the way to avoid a confrontation or arguement,I would rather lie.I had given in too much and let others think I am a pussy.At the end of the day,I know I am not,I just do not want any unneccsary trouble.